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Plumbing and Toilets In Ancient Rome

Our humble water toilet may be a modern invention, but plumbing existed as early as 2700 BC for the civilizations of the Indus Valley. But among the ancients, the Romans perfected the use of plumbing and toilets into an art, so much that a modern traveler to Ancient Rome would find everything in good order, even if the lack of intimacy might be unsettling at first.

Romans, as we know, had a bit of an obsession with aqueducts and baths, kind of hygiene freaks, they were. Because of this, plumbing was a profession in its own right, and the ancient plumber was called, duh, plumbarius.

Indoor plumbing was not for everybody, only the richest could afford it, and they were charged for the use of the public water network with a fee based on the size of their pipes.

ImageRomans were a social bunch, there was a lot of gossip to be dealt with before the social networks appeared online, so latrines were build so as to allow conversation, in case anybody had a bad case of constipation and needed to spend some time in there. There are reports of various emperors (in particular Claudius) who conducted public business from their royal “thrones”.

Water flowed under the latrines to pick up the mess. Since toilet paper was not available (what do you expect? paper was not available at all), Romans used a sponge on a stick to wipe. Sponges were not disposable, they just dipped them in water to clean the remains of the previous user. (Funny story here: Seneca tells us about a gladiator who was so afraid of his first fight, that he decided to commit suicide before entering the arena. Since gladiators were supervised at all times, the man found a bit of privacy only when going to the loo, so he pushed the sponge down his throat and suffocated himself with it. Death by toilet paper.)Image

The waste water from latrines, along with what came out of private homes, was collected into a giant sewerage system called Cloaca Maxima. Originally built by Etruscan engineers, it was constantly improved by the Romans. The main drain channel was so big, that a chariot with four horses could be driven through it, if it ever dried up. At some point, the Romans had to cover up their sewers with vaults made of stone, to contain the foul smell.

There was even a goddess to preside over the good functioning of the sewerage system, named Cloacina. How cool is that? Though it’s unwise to let something of such importance exclusively at the mercy of the gods, so the Romans had city officials, called aediles, who were in charge, among other things, of supervising and improving the sewerage system. It was actually a pretty important position, and people fought to obtain it.

Since the luxury of a water toilet was not available to everybody, the poor population in Rome used regular pots. But, since those ancients were all about recycling and being eco-friendly, nothing was thrown away. People called fullones (meaning cloth launderers) collected pots full of urine from the streets, and used it to launder the citizens’ clothes. Well, soap wasn’t a common commodity, so they had to use something.


What’s In Your Water???

drinking waterHave you thought about what may be in your water?  Drinking unfiltered water could put you at risk for drinking contaminated water and cause both acute and chronic health problems.  There are numerous ways your water could be unsafe and become contaminated before reaching your cup.

Drinking water could be contaminated by surface water or ground water.  Surface water, such as rivers and lakes, can be contaminated by acid rain, runoff from storms, industrial waste, and pesticides.  Groundwater, public water systems and well water, can be contaminated by not properly disposing hazardous cleaning products and agricultural chemicals, leachate from landfills and septic systems, leaky underground chemical storage tanks, water main breaks, growth of microorganisms in pipes, and cross contamination with sewer lines.

If water becomes contaminated, several different contaminants could be found in your water.  There are four main groups: microbial pathogens, organics, inorganics, and radioactive elements.  Microbial Pathogens are disease causing micro-organisms; they include bacteria, viruses, and parasites.  Pathogens can get into drinking water for example, if wells are not properly sealed or constructed.  Organics, toxic chemicals and metals in water, seem to be most people’s concern, but for the most of these chemicals are regulated by the drinking water standards.  They include THM’s, pesticides, and volatile organic chemicals.  Inorganic chemicals are toxic metals, which include arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, mercury, and silver.  Inorganics can find their way into your drinking water from natural sources, industrial processes, and materials used in your plumbing system.  The fourth main group for water contamination is radioactive elements and occurs by the decay of uranium in soils and rocks.

The health risks from drinking contaminated water cause both acute and chronic health problems.  Acute health issues are less likely to arise, but some examples are lung irritation, vomiting, skin rash, dizziness, even death.  Chronic health issues are more likely to occur after repeated and long exposure to small amounts of a chemical substance in water.  Some examples are cancer, liver and kidney damage, disorders of the nervous system, damage to immune system, and birth defects.2

It is very important to have your water tested and invest in a water filtration system if needed.  At John’s Plumbing, HVAC we offer free water testing done by Dr. Johns water purification team!!  Also, if you do not have any plans for this weekend come by and visit us at the Greensboro Fall Home Show.  Bring a sample of your water and we will test it for FREE!! Event starts September 13-15, 2013.  Check out this link below for times and more details.


Don’t Think Twice About Scheduling Your Fall HVAC Maintenance!!

hvac maintenanceMany people make an investment in a HVAC system, yet fail to maintain proper upkeep. An HVAC system is similar to that of a car – it needs the proper care and maintenance to function properly. A properly functioning HVAC system is one that will keep your home cozy or cool for many years to come, which is why HVAC maintenance is important.

Lower Utility Bills
Saving money is one of the main reasons a person should maintain their HVAC unit. An HVAC unit that is running efficiently, as well as a home that is properly insulated, means less money spent on electricity, heating and cooling costs. HVAC maintenance is also important to prevent the need formajor repairs or entire replacements.

Healthy Air
A properly maintained HVAC unit will not only keep a home warm or cool, but it will prevent problems with air quality. Clean filters and coils mean better breathing for an entire family. An unmaintained HVAC unit is a breeding ground for dirt, mold and bacteria, all of which can cause or worsenrespiratory problems for those living in the home or building.hvac

Life of the System
The better a person maintains their HVAC unit, the longer that unit will be able to function well and provide cooling and heating to a home or building. With proper HVAC maintenance, a unit can last well over 10 years. Considering the amount of money a person spends to install an HVAC unit, it makes sense they would want to keep that unit running well for as long as possible.

As with the life of the system, a well-maintained HVAC unit will run more efficiently. Research shows that dirty or unmaintained units need to work 20 percent harder to produce the same amount of cooling or heating as a well-maintained machine. Less energy will be expended when it is running, which means less stress on the components of the machine.The less wear and tear on the machine means simple maintenance during the spring and fall months. Maintenance will be much quicker and smoother ifa person takes the preventive steps to keep a system running in tip-top shape.

Less Emergency Repairs
Most HVAC units may need emergency repairs from time to time. Well-maintained units are less likely to fail during the months of hard use (June through September and December through March). Keeping a unit up-to-date on all inspections and maintenance checks means less worry that the unit will break down when it is needed the most.


Warm Water Beneficial For Your Health

Drinking warm water                      Drinking warm water for most people is not part of their daily routine.  Perhaps this is due to the fact that few people understand the health benefits of drinking warm water. It is a good health practice to drink warm water on a daily basis because of its health benefits. Most people ignore warm water and always choose a glass of cold water. Below, we explore the health benefits of warm water.

Warm Water Health Benefits and Advantages:

  • Warm water is very important when it comes to digestion and washing out toxins from your body.
  • Drinking warm water makes it very easy to break down food and also help the process of digestion.
  • When we eat food, the temperature in our stomach is generally high.  Drinking warm water during a meal helps in keeping most of the food in a semi liquid form to break it down and get released into the small intestine.hot water
  • Drinking warm water also helps break down oily food by making it easier to digest. Warm water breaks down solid food into semi solid and also helps food from concealing together.  This helps process of absorption and digestion on a large scale.
  • Drinking warm water on hot days help the process of perspiration, which is very essential if you reside in hot areas.  Doing this will help you cool down and help your body to flush out toxins.
  • In addition to this warm water also helps in purifying the blood stream. Bowel movements stimulation is very vital for every body to maintain health.  Drinking a glass of warm water along with walking will help to stimulate bowel movements.
  • Research has proven that drinking warm water helps with removal of toxic deposits from the nervous system. It is believed that these toxins if not cleansed and eliminated can have negative effects on a person’s emotions and thoughts.  Drinking warm water helps to purify your mind to maintain a balanced mental state.
  • Warm water’s biggest health benefit to an individual lies in the fact that it provides essential hydration to the body. Proper hydration helps in the removal of toxins and wastes from the body.  It also helps the kidneys to function.  Good hydration stands as a base for biochemical and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Drinking warm water aids in reducing and killing harmful infections that you might suffer from.  Warm water increases the circulation to the gastrointestinal tract and also vitally decreases the amount of mucous in mucous producing tracts of your body.
  • Drinking warm water eliminates harmful viruses and bacteria that reproduce and infect our body. When you heat up water, it makes sure to force out all the dissolved gases.  Heating the water in India is useful to remove or kill any bacteria that may be in the water.
  • Warm water or hot water helps preserve safe drinking water by storing it in a sterilized container. Warm water or water in general is a zero calorie hydrant which does not make you add on any calories. Drinking warm water helps burn calories to aid in weight loss.  However, cold water generally burns more calories but warm water also does help in burning calories.  Because water is pure without any chemicals, caffeine, or sugar it is the best drink for health.
  • Drinking warm water topped with honey and lemon helps reduce congestion and keeps you hydrated when you are fighting a cold. Warm water is the bhoney waterest homemade medicine to help fight a bad cold.  You could either drink it or gargle it with some salt in the warm water. This also helps to prevent a sore throat. Vitamin C has long been believed to provide quick relief for the common cold. Obtaining this essential vitamin through warm water and lemon can add other benefits as well.
  • Drinking warm water soothes the throat, prevents dehydration and can help break up chest congestion. Adding honey to warm lemon water for extra soothing relief.
  • Other health benefits from drinking warm water with lemon include improving and cleansing the urinary tract.  This will aid in flushing out any bacteria from the urinary tract and also helps speed up recovery.


Back to School? Renters Guide to Plumbing Repairs

North Carolina law requires landlords to provide tenants with fit and safe housing by making repairs and maintaining rental property in compliance with codes. Your landlord is also required to maintain and repair appliances that the landlord has provided. This includes plumbing, heating and air conditioningCell%20phone%20(toilet) units, refrigerators, and stoves, etc.

There are three kinds of repairs that may be needed at a rental unit:
1. Those required by something the tenant caused to happen (like accidentally dropping your phone down the toilet);
2. Those required by normal wear and tear (like a leaky faucet or a stopped up drain); and
3. Those involving the landlord’s obligation to adequately maintain the property (like faulty plumbing or electrical wiring problems).
The rights and obligations of the tenant are different for each type of repair.

1. Tenant-caused damage

Accidents will happen. If something breaks as a result of a tenant’s negligence, or something goes wrong that is part of the tenant’s responsibilities, the tenant will probably have to pay for the repairs. It is still a good idea to notify the landlord, because many landlords insist on controlling the repairs around their property. Often, lease agreements require notifying the landlord before doing any repairs. Also, if there is a dispute over whether a particular repair was needed because of the tenant’s negligence or was the landlord’s responsibility, the tenant will want a record of what happened. If the tenant does a repair with the landlord’s permission, the landlord will later have a hard time saying that the tenant had no business fixing something without the landlord’s consent.

2. Wear and tear repairs

The cost of wear and tear is the landlord’s responsibility. If something needs repair simply because it is old or worn, the landlord should make the repair. Once again, the tenant should notify (preferably in writing) the landlord of any repairs needed by wear and tear. This will both provide the tenant with evidence that the landlord had notice that something needed fixing, and it will provide a record of wear and tear damage for the tenant to use if the landlord later claims the right to deduct such damage from a security or damage deposit.
Usually these kinds of repairs can be handled by agreement with the landlord. Either the tenant will get it fixed and give the bill to the landlord, or the landlord will have it fixed. Sometimes, the tenant will not care about the repair but will want the landlord to know that something is no longer working.

3. Material repairs

A “material” repair is one of the basic obligations of a landlord. For example, bad plumbing or a leaky roof are things that a landlord must fix and fix promptly, because they go to the health and safety of the rented property. The landlord’s failure to do repairs that are material produce many of the conflicts that bring landlords and tenants into court. The next section will deal with the situation where important repairs are needed but are not immediately done by the landlord.its a moen!

B. When the tenant requests repairs

1. Making a record of needed repairs

Whenever a major repair is needed, the tenant should notify the landlord or the landlord’s agent in writing. Sometimes, a tenant will think that a repair is so obviously needed (like in the case of a leaky roof or bad plumbing) that it isn’t necessary to put the request in writing. However, these are just the kinds of repairs that it is most important to request in writing, because if the repairs aren’t made the tenant will want to take drastic action. The written notice is necessary before the tenant can terminate the lease, seek to use the remedy of rent abatement, or, in some cases, to defend against an eviction action for non-payment of rent.

When the tenant sends a repair notice to the landlord, it should say what is wrong, and it should ask the landlord to fix it (a sample letter demanding repairs is in the Appendix). If the landlord has an agent managing the property, the tenant should send the notice to the agent too. The tenant should always keep a copy of the letter, or of any written note to the landlord or the landlord’s manager. To be sure that the tenant can show that the landlord received the notice, it is a good idea to send it certified mail, return receipt requested. If that isn’t possible, hand deliver it to the landlord or the manager in front of a witness that could testify in court if needed.

As part of the tenant record, it is a good idea to take pictures of the problem, so that the tenant will have evidence if the tenant has to go to court as a result of the landlord’s failure to make repairs. The tenant should also show the problem to witnesses, who will be able to support the tenant’s argument that repairs were needed. It is best, however, to get an official report from an agency whose job it is to enforce housing and building codes.

2. Health and safety violations

If a new problem is not corrected immediately, or if the landlord has ignored the tenant’s requests to have a long-term problem corrected, the tenant should write or call the local housing authority or local code enforcement office. The tenant should send the office any correspondence on the repair problem with the landlord and any notices the tenant has sent demanding repairs. The tenant has the right to contact code enforcement agencies, and if the landlord tries to evict the tenant for doing so, the landlord is acting illegally.

C. Tenant remedies

If a tenant has notified the landlord of a problem, and the landlord does nothing, the tenant will need to consider the remedies that the law allows.

1. Damages and injunctive relief

A tenant may sue the landlord for money damages for any failure of the landlord to perform his duties under the law or the rental agreement. Once the tenant has given the landlord notice of the failure (the law calls this a “breach”), and the landlord has not corrected the problem, the tenant has the right to go to court seeking damages. The tenant can raise a damage claim even when the tenant is sued for eviction. (See Chapter 16 of this guide on “Going to Court”). In addition, the tenant may sue for damages even if the tenant uses any of the other remedies available to him/her.

The tenant may also go to court to get an order forcing the landlord to make repairs or do any other act necessary to make up for the breach. This type of order is called “injunctive relief” and it is like a restraining order signed by a judge. If the landlord doesn’t follow the order, s/he can be held in contempt of the court.

2. Termination of the tenancy

If the problem needing repairs is one that is a serious threat to the tenant’s health or safety, the tenant may choose to move out. If the tenant chooses to do this, it will be necessary to give the landlord a written notice. The written notice must state the problem and make a demand that the landlord correct the problem within seven days. It must also state that if the problem is not corrected within seven days the tenant will terminate the tenancy and move out. If the landlord does not make a reasonable attempt to correct the problem within the seven day notice period, the tenant can consider the tenancy over and move out. The tenant is entitled to the return of all deposits and prepaid rent.

If the landlord does make a reasonable attempt to cure the problem within seven days, the tenant may not terminate the tenancy. However, the tenant may still be able to claim damages for any losses the tenant suffered from the time the tenant first notified the landlord of the need for repairs and/or get injunctive relief forcing the landlord to finish the repairs.

3. Rent abatement

When a landlord has failed to meet obligations under the law, and particularly when the landlord fails to make important needed repairs, the tenant gets less from the rental agreement than s/he is paying rent to get. The law has created a remedy to correct this situation, and it is called “abatement of rent.” While this guide will use the term “abatement,” because that is the word the law uses, the tenant should think of abatement as deducting a part of the tenant rent based on the reduced value of the rental unit due to the landlord’s failure to make repairs.

To use the remedy of abatement, the tenant must be very careful. The tenant must give the landlord a written notice of the conditions that need to be corrected. These conditions must involve the landlord’s basic duties to maintain the property and to keep the property up to the standards of the local building and housing codes. The notice does not need to say what the tenant will do if the repairs are not made, but it would be wise to state that the tenant intends to abate rent if the repairs are not done. If the tenant plans to move out if repairs are not made, the tenant should give notice of termination as set forth in the previous section of this guide, because a tenant may not both terminate the rental agreement and use the abatement remedy at the same time.

Once the notice has been given to the landlord, and s/he does not make the repairs within 7 days, the tenant may abate rent. While the law does not say how long the landlord has to make repairs after the tenant gives notice, it is wise to give the landlord seven days (just like in the termination situation outlined in the previous section of this guide). If the landlord has not made a reasonable effort to correct the problem within seven days, the tenant may abate rent starting from the date of the notice the tenant gave about the repair.

When the tenant abates rent, there are several things the tenant needs to think through in calculating the amount the tenant will abate. If the tenant cannot live in the rental unit because the problem is so bad, the tenant may abate 100% of the rent for each day the tenant cannot live there. If the tenant can live in the place, the tenant may deduct 1/3 of the daily rent for each day the repairs are not made. There is a Rent Abatement Worksheet at the end of this chapter.

Remember that a tenant usually pays rent in advance of the rental period. This is very important in dealing with abatement. Once the tenant gives the landlord a notice and the landlord fails to repair, the tenant will start figuring the abatement deduction. When it comes time to pay rent for the next month, make the rent payment after deducting the amount the abated rent from the last month. It is not wise to estimate how long it will take for the landlord to make the repairs, and abate the rent prospectively. If the landlord has committed to have the repairs done by a certain day, the tenant may figure the abatement amount up to that day and adjust the rent payment for the abatement. If the tenant doesn’t know when the repairs will be done, the tenant will risk making too large a deduction if the landlord promptly makes the repairs. The best course to follow is to deduct the amount of rent that can be abated based on the prior month.

evictionThis is all somewhat complicated, but the tenant should remember that there are risks to withholding the rent. If the landlord moves to evict the tenant for non-payment because the tenant abated rent, the tenant will need to lay out why and how the tenant abated very clearly for the judge. If the judge sees the tenant has acted reasonably and carefully, and the tenant is not just using abatement as an excuse not to pay rent, the tenant will have a much better chance of having the judge find that the tenant paid the right amount of rent.

Even if the judge finds the tenant has not properly abated rent, if the tenant has acted carefully the tenant will be in a better situation to avoid eviction. The law allows a tenant who has abated rent to pay the amount deducted within three days of an order for eviction. If the rent is paid within that time, the eviction order will be set aside. It is therefore wise to hold any amounts the tenant has abated and not spend them until the matter of repairs has been finally settled.
D. Limitations on the landlord’s duty to make repairs and the tenant’s remedies

Remember that the landlord does not have any duty to make repairs due to something caused by the tenant’s negligence or by the negligence of the tenant’s family members or guests. None of the remedies discussed here cover that situation.

In addition, if the repairs needed in the rental unit are the result of circumstances beyond the landlord’s control (for example, a flood or a fire), the tenant may not get damages or injunctive relief. The tenant may, however, abate rent or terminate the rental agreement as set out in the chapters on termination and abatement.



Christmas in July- Why Your A/C Unit Freezes Up in the Summer

christmas in july  Air Conditioning is essential for our day to day life in North Carolina. With this humidity, life would be unbearable if we simply had to live off the breeze alone to cool us off!
If we want our air-conditioning to keep up we have to keep our air-conditioners up. Like us, they suffer when they aren’t fed, given enough fluids, or even cleaned.

And this is why they act up.frozen ac

                   Most commonly it’s because of a lack of airflow. If the filter is excessively clogged it will block the airflow to the system. Also dirty, blocked, or undersized ductwork can be the culprit of lack of airflow. If the unit is too small it will run excessively and cool poorly; if it is too big it could be more costly to run than necessary.
Another reason why air conditioners freeze up is a low refrigerant level. However, because the AC system is a sealed system, refrigerant should not leak. If your system is low on refrigerant, you have a leak in the lines or in your equipment. The amount of refrigerant in your air conditioner has to be carefully balanced if you want to keep your air conditioner running smoothly. If there is too little refrigerant in your coil, it will not be able to absorb enough heat and will end up freezing.

                    Oddly enough if the temperatures drop down at night enough, the change in extreme temperatures can cause the coil to freeze up. A programmable thermostat will allow you to set the HVAC unit to higher temperatures at night, when the outdoor temperature drops. Air conditioners don’t do well when temperatures are below 60 F. Fortunately, at these temperatures, you don’t really even need to use your AC at all! If temperatures drop this low, turn off the AC and throw open the windows. You’ll save your air conditioner and save some money at the same time!
If your unit is freezing up first and foremost shut it off! You have to let it thaw out before anyone can work out it.frozen unit
Secondly give us a call so that we can sufficiently diagnose the problem! You can attempt to remedy the situation yourself, but you may find that you have just fixed a short term problem and don’t even know the real diagnosis. One of our expert technicians will be able to quickly and correctly identify your issue and ensure that no further damage is done to your HVAC equipment.


Save Water. Every Drop Counts.

water save

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a family of four uses 400 gallons of water every day.  400 gallons may seem like a lot to use, but on a hot, sticky, summer day it’s especially easy with a few car washes, 2 or 3 showers to stay cool, all while watering your thirsty garden and running a load of laundry.

We run through water like we run through most things in our fast paced society, and we waste it on the most simple of tasks before we even think to hydrate ourselves.

If it’s something that we can only survive 3 to 5 days without, why is it that we take it for granted?water scarcity in africa

Living in America, we have quick and easy access to clean drinking water.  We don’t realize that low quality water and water pollution is a major problem in less fortunate areas of the world. We don’t think it affects us that water can be a danger to people, leading to things like hazardous bacteria, disease, and viruses such as E coli and Cryptosporidium!

The reality is that we very well could run out of clean water.  Almost all of the water on Earth is salt water, and 77 percent of the fresh water is frozen at the Earth’s poles. Earth is an ever growing planet and as the population booms, more water is needed to supply everyone.  Less than 1% of the water supply on earth is okay for us to drink with. ONLY 1 PERCENT!!!! That’s like if the entire world’s water were to fit into a gallon jug, the fresh water available for us to use would equal only one tablespoon!

Water is a limited resource, and with the population continuing to grow, it is essential to practice water conservation.You don’t need much to start saving water today.  Just recognizing the problem is the best start of all! Nonetheless here are a few ways we’ve gathered to actually make a difference:

  •  Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you’ll save up to 150 gallons per month.
  •  Instead of buying bottle after bottle of drinking water, install a water filter and use refillable beverage containers.
  •  When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
  •  Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with wasted flows of water. Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings.
  •  Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
  •  Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
  •  Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.
  •  Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
  •  Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save gallons every time.
  •  Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks.water saver
  •  Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
  •  Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.
  •  Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture and saves water, time and money.
  •  Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save water every time.
  •  If your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the showerhead with a water-efficient model.water
  •  Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.
  •  If water runs off your lawn easily, split your watering time into shorter periods to allow for better absorption.
  •  We’re more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don’t forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks.
  •  Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. Fixing it can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.

It’s detrimental that we use what we have to the best of its ability while we still can. Fall back in love with water today and try to help it out a little by conscientiously saving it.




Bad Hair Day Caused by Copper Piping

Have you ever looked like thisImage

Or this ?


Bad hair days happen to the best of us; your hair just won’t do what you want it to, and it may end up turning out to be a wreck.

Good news though! Scientists are now linking those awful hair days to your copper pipes.

Dr. Marsh and her colleagues analyzed 450 women from around the world and found that they all had varying levels of copper in their hair. Copper comes in from the tap water and the copper pipes, and the hair acts like a sponge, picking it up over time. They found the metal gradually builds up in hair, helping to speed up damage caused by sunlight, causing split ends, fly-away strands and less shine, and making it harder to manage. The effect is said to be more pronounced in those who use hair dyes.

Isn’t that crazy that its not just the shampoo and sun exposure but its also the tainted water we wash our hair with that causes our miserable hair problems!!?

So we diagnosed one of the causes of bad hair days but what can we do now!?

If you personally have copper piping you can look into cpvc piping instead.   It is durable, easy to assemble and inexpensive. It also can stand up to much higher water pressures and are self-insulating so they can easily conduct very hot water.

Secondly, if you don’t have a water purification system, look into getting one! Water purification systems like Kinetico remove hardness-causing calcium and magnesium from your water as well as eliminate substances that cause foul odor and taste! It can balance out the ph of the water and can filter out chemicals, metals, algae, fungi – even bacteria and viruses!

Look at your options and don’t just settle for bad hair days. With these options you can make a difference in your hair as well as your health!Bad-Hair-Flock-of-Seagulls-196x196




Lighting Up The World

UgandaOur dear family member Rachael Sawyer and her husband Josh Sawyer have been in Uganda for the last month working at a hospital in Nyakibale!! Their trip is winding down but Rachael sent us this uplifting picture of some boys that she has become close with, playing with our Johns Plumbing flashlight keychains! She said that these have been helpful for the boys who have their power go out on the regular. Although this doesn’t solve the problem we are happy to at least  bring a smile to their face and brighten up their lives a little bit!!!

We are so thankful that their trip has been safe,  for the most part, and fun and we wish them the best on their journey back home!!!

Cleanest Throne In Town

toilet 1toilet crazy toilet- funnybling toilet

A toilet can be called many a thing; a throne, stool, comfort station, think n’ stink, bus station, water closet, and even a shitter. No matter what you call it though, on average, you’re going to spend about 3 whole years of your life on it. Taking 15 minutes once a week to clean your porcelain throne can help you to feel truly comfortable; knowing that you have rid yourself of horrible bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella, and even staphylococci. And that’s why we have some ingenious new ways of cleaning your toilet with products you may not have intended on using to clean!
Gatorade: First, pour two cups into the toilet. Allow this to sit for an hour. Then, using a brush, wipe away the sports drink. Finally, flush it all away.gatorade

pumicePumice stone: First, soak the pumice in warm water. It’s very important to make sure that the surface and stone are always wet to avoid scratching the porcelain. Then, using rubber gloves, start scrubbing any rust with the object. Finally, once you see the spot is gone, flush the toilet.

alcohol- rubbing

Rubbing alcohol: First, spray the liquid around toilet rings. Let this soak for a few minutes. Finally, use a cleaning tool to wash the stains away.
Denture Tablets: Simply drop one of these into the bowl, let it work its magic and just rinse 20 minutes later.denture tablets
Coca-Cola: First, pour a can into the commode. After an hour, scrub the area and flush.cokevinegar
Vinegar: First, squirt a ring of dish soap under the rim. Then, spray it with vinegar, and scrub with a brush. The mild acidity of vinegar is great at loosening up and killing bacteria!

The toilet can have up to 40,000 germs per square inch, so it really is important to clean yours at home! Happy cleaning!